Puppy care

When you bring home a puppy, you are promising to provide a lifetime of love and care in exchange for undying loyalty and companionship. This may sound a bit extreme, but the care you give your new puppy will set the stage for your future relationship. Puppies are naturally curious, and need to be kept safe. They also grow very quickly, so it’s important to feed them nutritious food. Like children, puppies learn through play and require lots of attention.
Feeding your puppy the right puppy food is essential for his long-term good health. But first you’ll need to know what makes good dog chow and what foods a puppy needs.

Do you want a healthy, happy, bouncing puppy, who is always ready for a game and a cuddle?
Then feed him good quality puppy food and give him a great start in life!
You are welcome to browse our tips and hopefully will find some answers for your questions.
If you have additional questions please feel free to e-mail info@teddybearpoodles.ca we are always willing and able to offer advice and support for our puppies.